Thursday, 23 July 2015

Welcome to my page, a small introduction post

This is my first post on my blog. 
Hi, my name is Lucy and I am 22 years old, from London, England.
I am creating this blog/vlog site to share my experience and my story dealing with my diagnosis of papillary Thyroid cancer. I was diagnosed on the 14/7/2015. Being the person I am, I want to remain as positive as I can throughout my treatment and recovery. I am using this blog as a way of communicating my story and for updating my friends and family on my progress.

I want to share my story in the hopes that it can help people. I want to fundraise and raise awareness of thyroid cancer and conditions. 

Just a quick visual of where I started vs where I am now. This first photo was me a week before my thyroid lobectomy surgery, with a lump present in my neck. 

This next photo is me 3 weeks post surgery showing off my lovely scar and successfully graduating from the University of York! 

This is my first post and video explaining a little bit about everything that has been going on since my diagnosis and my up coming plans for this site. Thank you for taking the time to read and watch my video. I will be uploading content as an emotional distraction as well as a constructive way of turning my experience that could in turn help someone else.

Here is a vlog introduction which is on my YouTube channel as well. 


  1. Lucy I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but you're incredibly brave and personally I feel blogging can be very cathartic so I hope it helps you. I post about living with a parent with terminal cancer and I, too, am hoping to raise awareness and build up a network. I hope you don't mind me commenting here - your post came up on my Facebook as I also go to the University of York.

    All the best,

    1. Hi Naomi,
      Thank you so much for your message. I would love to get in touch with you over Facebook, a support network and to work on future projects together. We all need to stay positive, and sharing your story is an extremely worthwhile thing. I look forward to getting to know you and your story. Add me on Facebook if you can :D if not my email is

  2. Hi :) my name is Abi and I too am 22. I have also recently been diagnosed with cancer; Hodgkin's lymphoma. I understand that our cancers differ but if you have any questions or just want to chat I'd be glad to help. I've just had my fourth round of ABVD chemo treatment and have eight more to go.
    I am also writing a blog but haven't yet promoted it, it's currently more of a personal blog.
    Stay strong and keep a PMA!!
    You sound like you're doing well and have an amazing attitude.
    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Abi,
      Amazing to hear from you! This is exactly why I started a blog, I really want to reach out and make a positive difference. I would love to hear more about your story and be a friend over the internet, hopefully we can both keep each others spirits high! email me anytime and hopefully we can work together on a blog post in the future, spreading kind words of encouragement and advice-

    2. Sounds like a fab idea :) look forward to it!

  3. How lovely that this young girl is taking the trouble to do this so that other young people can see what its like having thyroid cancer and going through the treatment process .. she is such a positive person and no doubt her experience will have a positive impact on others going through what she is going through .. esp at such a young age. Having gone thru the same/ similar treatment as her (and i am much older than her) , I know that energy is something you dont usually have..feeling tired, lathargic and sick are things that come to mind when I think back at the time I had my treatment. I was very tired through it all and so for this young girl, I can only imagine how hard it must be to find the energy to do this blogg...and yet she has started doing it..for the benefit of other young people in a similar situation as her!!. I dont know her but feel so proud of her and happy that someone out there IS actually telling their story as it is. Thankfully for me, I am fully recoverd and can put my experiences with thyroid cancer in the past.. I sincerly wish her all the best .. I have a lot of confidence in the NHS and Im sure she will come through this alright too, esp with all the support she will have around her. ����bless!!

  4. Hi Lucy,
    This is Miss Musson (former Emanuel teacher). I recently heard your news and came across this blog that you've started. I wanted to share my condolences with you at your recent diagnosis, but also wanted to say how wonderful it is to hear your positivity and energy during all of this. Because it is rubbish - cancer is rubbish. But if there's one thing I know about the rubbishness of it all, it is that positivity is the most beautiful thing you can nurture.

    Being diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age myself (28) I share your feelings about the journey ahead and the need to support young sufferers. I also shared your attitude and went through my treatment with a smile; nurturing a positive attitude and fuelling hope and nothing but smiles the whole way. It was, by far, the best tonic I could have afforded myself and seems to continue to be working wonders.

    There will be tough roads ahead, but looking towards the end of them and staying strong (as you are) is by far the best thing you can ever do.

    Sending much love, respect and happy thoughts your way my dear. Good luck and well done for sharing your story here with such grace and empathy.

    Lots of love,
    Miss Musson xx

  5. Hi ya Lucy ,
    My name is natalie and my lovely niece passed your info on she was at York uni .as I was diagnosed with follicular thyriod cancer in November last year had my first op and than second op in jan 2015 with rai in April this year . I think you are a very positive and up beat person who will help so many people . I like u was shocked when I found out I had lump for about 2 year before it started restricting me ( getting out of breath etc) I am 44 so older . I was so frightened at start as there is not enough help out there for thyriod cancer where I am and I was so alone at the start . I hope I can help you in any way. Take care 👸🏼😘
